lois and sidney eskenazi hospital
eskenazi health
Indianapolis, IN l 800,000 SF l 2013
Services Provided: Interior Design, Furniture Selection and Specification
The challenge
Eskenazi Hospital was constructed to replace a 100-year-old campus spread across 17 buildings each with inconsistent design and finish standards. The interior design for the new hospital needed to be standardized across the facility and easily maintained to perform in a 24-hour high abuse environment while achieving the modern, civic design language desired by the client.
our solution
Each material selection was carefully evaluated. The facility tested all material selections proposed by the design team over a series of months to confirm the finishes proposed could be maintained in the new facility. An evidence-based design rating system was implemented to evaluate each furniture piece. Items selected assisted with the reduction of surface contamination and patient falls, improved patient, family and staff member communication, decreased fatigue and represented the best long-term investment.
the result
The knowledgeable, collaborative and responsive approach by Four Point Design was appreciated by the Eskenazi team. Four Point Design has an ongoing partnership with Eskenazi to maintain the design standards established. Eskenazi Hospital achieved LEED Gold certification, one of the first healthcare campuses in the US to achieve this award.
*Project completed as former firm
*Project completed with HOK Executive Architect