Bloomington, IN l 620,000 SF l 2021
Services Provided: Furniture Selection & Specification, Artwork Selection & Coordination
The challenge
The new replacement IU Health hospital and clinic in Bloomington provides an opportunity to standardize the entire campus with consistent furnishings and upholsteries that meet the rigorous cleaning protocols of healthcare. Various user groups and departments provided specific functional needs throughout the design process.
our solution
Four Point Design led an IU Health committee consisting of hospital clinicians, providers, facilities, and design and construction key decision makers. Furniture selection recommendations to the committee incorporated the needs identified by users, provided healthcare best practices, and standardized furnishings across the campus for ease of maintenance. Potential selections were evaluated in a furniture fair and scored by IU Health staff for comfort, ease of use, functionality, durability, and safety. Through this evaluation process, the furniture committee was able to establish furniture selections that contribute to the overall patient experience and happiness of staff.